"Even though I walk through the valley
of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil
for You are with me; Your rod and staff,
they comfort me."
Psalm 23: 4
This is a verse of supreme trust in God and vanishes all fear in our hearts. Even if we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we will fear no evil for the Lord walks with us, to guide and protect us against all adversities and trials in life. He uses His rod- the symbol of correction, to discipline us and mend our crooked ways. His staff symbolizes His unwavering support for us when we become weary in our walk through the many pitfalls in life. He is our strength as we lean on His staff to carry us
through when our own strength is waning. He is the good shepherd who laid down His life to save His flock.
Amazing Love
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Amazing Love, Valley of The Shadow of Death, Fear No Evil, Grace, Salvation, Born Again, Peace, Joy, Love, Eternal Life
Posted by: Mel Alarilla
Hi Bro Mel, as usual, thanks a lot for the visit and the nice words you give in my comments...
Hi Lisa,
You are so much welcome. Glad you could visit this blog. Thanks and God bless.
Hi bro Mel, here again to visit and to thank you for the visit and comments you made in my blog...I do really appreciate your nice words and the greet for our 2nd Wedding Anniversary..God Bless You too.
Hi Lisa,
Thank you so much for your visit and very kind words. God bless you always.
God's Love is very big. Whe we have our discussion in Couples For Christ session, I realized how hard it is to love your enemy, or people that you even know. But God gave his only son for us
My Daily ThoughtsBlogger"s Recollections Array Of Hopes
Hi Tey,
It is almost humanly impossible to forgive those who hurt us but as we dwell in the presence of the Lord His divine love will transform our human weaknesses into divine strength and we will be able to forgive our enemies. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
hI kUYA mEL, Sometimes forgiveness is what makes us free and feel better. Maybe that's why God is always willing to forgive because without it, we wont be able to feel the true happiness and fulfillment in our lives.
Need a dose of this everyday so i liked this up on my etcetera blog.
Have a good week ahead and take care!
Hi Rose,
Hi right you are. Forgiving others, open the doors for our own forgiveness from God. Thanks for your visit and comments.
I love the message of this verse KuyaM.Every time something wrong happen to me and I don't put it in the Lord's hands it feels so heavy but whenever I lay everything on Him everything is light.
Hi Rose,
Thanks for your constant visit here. Sorry that I was not able to reply to your comment. I am no longer visitng this blog for I am too preoccupied with my other blogs on the other side. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you all always.
Nakakatindig balalhibo ang mga power verses mo, Mel. I love visiting in your blog :)
Hi MelCole,
Hindi ko na nga naaasikaso ang mga blogs ko dito kasi concentrated ako sa kabilang account. Thanks for your visit and inspiring comments. God bless you always.
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