" For nothing is impossible with God"
Here, in this promise, God shows His limitless power, His infinity. Here, we can hold on to the promise that nothing, absolutely nothing is impossible with God. This was uttered by the archangel Gabriel to Zechariah- father of John the Baptist who expressed incredulity when told that Elizabeth, his wife, would give birth to a son who would prepare the way for the Messiah. But the more incredible feat was the birth of Jesus Christ by the Virgin Mary who was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit. There were other impossible things done by God that borders on the impossible like when Lazarus was raised from the dead, changing of water into wine, walking on water and in the Old Testament, dividing the Red Sea so that the Israelites could cross it walking on dry land. If we consider the limitless enormity of the entire universe which was created by God, we could easily say that indeed nothing is impossible with God. On a personal level, we can safely say that no problem, no situation, no trial is impossible with God for those who believe and put their trust in Him.
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Nothing Is Impossible With God, Faith, Belief, Trust, Promise of God, Limitless Power, Archangel Gabriel, Zechariah, Elizabeth, Virgin Mary, John The Baptist, Messiah, Lazarus, Walking On Water, Changing of Water Into Wine, Old Testament, Parting of The Red Sea, Israelites, Universe
Posted by: Mel Alarilla
Spiritual/Gospel/Word of God